A quality, condition, or characteristic of being fair, truthful, and morally upright.How many of us able to live morally upright nowadays? Gas is high, expensive basic commodities, high house rent ...etc ...etc... yet, we all are trying to be a good person each day. The moment we wake up each morning, temptation is just everywhere. We struggle to do good and be good because we are not perfect...who is anyway? That is why, I personally would give a commendation to Orlando Vending in Orlando International Airport for being honest to Maggie. Lastweek, she went to the breakroom in housekeeping department to buy a soda and she mistakenly put $21.00 in the vending machine of which the $20.00 bill is under the $1. Though its just $20.00 but, hey its money. The fact was, Maggie really can't pinpoint that her money was in that machine since she went to buy foods in different location in the airport premises. So, the last attempt was to call the office of that vending machine which was located in Commerce Drive. They give assurance that she will have it if the money is in it. To make the story short, she got her money back when the collector found out that the collection is over $20.00. It was remarkable! If they lied, nobody will know anyway right? Maggie didn't exactly knew how it happen. The bottom line is that some people choose to be honest and do good deeds despite of economic hardships. If others can, why can't we?

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