I sent a ticket to PPP about my referrals and who are the people who signed up and been pending so far. I got 82 people who hit my banner but only 5 has reviewed my blog. They will certainly earn by just reviewing my post and become PPP member. So, this is my opportunity to congratulate you guys eventhough it is still pending. You have to be blogging for 3months and had at least 20 posts already. I am sure you will find blogging very interesting since you will learn based from experience from other bloggers and at the same time earn. After 3 months, please open your PPP again and check it out. Click this banner if you still did not. Thank you to the following people: JENNIFER RHODA INES, MARIFE MALLINSON,MARIA CARMELA LAYA and MECHEEL CASENAS. Please let me know the name of your blog so I can follow you and add to my list.
This is the banner where you will earn by just becoming a member. You will see how much once you become one.
This is for real really. Been enjoying advertising in my blog as you can see it. I been doing this since October 14 and I want you to enjoy the same.
It is not easy to start blogging though. Specially if you have nobody to help you in doing some technical problems. I did this by experience and asking help from my fellow bloggers:
1. Cookie - she really convinced me to join PPP because she got paid....hehehe...then , I join right away.
2. Rose - who suggested that I can't put advertisement in 3 consecutive rows, since the first day I got 3 offers. I panicked afraid that the post will be rejected. But, we really need to post entries in alternate....sponsored, personal, sponsored...thanks Rose.
3. Cecil-for inviting me to some other earning websites and helping me with where to copy paste the codes.
4. Umma- the expert pretty woman in blogworld....hehhe...got a PPP Direct offer and the advertiser wants me to put a "NOFOLLOW" tag...she helped me resolved it but, still waiting for the advertisers approval. The advertiser sent me a message that says the tag is broken...i dont know really. Anyway, I hope it will be okay. I am still learning here.
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