AC Lens blog is a program they created for guest blogger and for people outside ACLens.com to share knowledge and expertise in the vision care industry . This program is perfect communication place for eye doctors, fashion gurus and students. AC Lens are looking for a unique information about contact lenses, reading glasses, vision related health issues, sunglasses and similar pieces. In this connection, the best guest blogger submission will be selected during the 2nd and 4th week of each month for publication. All submissions become the property of ACLens.com and may be selected for publication in future weeks. So, if you are interested, you may submit a piece for consideration in the guest blogger program, please send your name, email and entry to marketing@AcLens.com with the subject line “Guest Blogger”.
The February edition of Woman's Day Magazine featured the LensAlert in their “Product We Love” section and they recommended ordering it at ACLens.com. LensAlert, is a contact lens timer that keeps track of when you need to replace both your contact lens care and contact lenses. With a few clicks of a button, you can set the contact lens timer up to 60 days and the contact lens case up to 99 days so you’ll know exactly when to replace both. LensAlert is rapidly becoming a must have item for contact lens wearers and AC Lens was the first retailer to carry this product online. Improve your eye health by never forgetting doctor recommended change times with this customer approved. Pick up a copy of Woman’s Day magazine, on newsstands now, to read the full write up.

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