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Have you heard about Kids' Choice Awards? Well, I did hear about this because I have a fourth grader friend who loves to watch the show about iCarly. One time, I just sit with her on the living room while she is giggling on the show. I was so entertained with her actions and I started watching the show with her. What happened was, my eyes hooked on TV and laugh with her all through out the show. How amazing kids influenced adults right? Well, I was just fascinated how she go all the way to participate and vote for Carly in the Kid's Choice Awards. I find that show very entertaining, funny and injects moral values for friendship and honesty. No wonder that it has thousands of followers. That is why I voted for iCarly because of my little friend.
Now, if you have a favorite, why won't you show your support by voting that show or that artist? Help your favorite win the 2009 Kid's Choice Awards. On March 28, 2009 at exactly 8PM, the voting will end and the clock is ticking fast. Join and vote now! I just went to and I voted my favorite reality show, TV actor, cartoon character, movie, book, female&male athlete, movie actor & actress and animated movie. Oh! I am so excited to know who will be declared as a winner. I also voted for my favorite voice from animated movies, male&female singers, song, music group, TV actress, video game and TV show. Well, I voted iCarly for my favorite TV show and that is so obvious right? Anyway, just do your voting now. You will enjoy it. There are four artist/stars to choose from and you only have to pick one in each category. You will be directed on the next category until you will be finished voting. Visit the site, vote and have fun!

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