I have a lil vegetable garden at the side of our house. We have few tomatoes and as you can see, it started to bear one.

It was so windy earlier and since we live nearby the beach, the sand was blown up this area.

It is nice to see them growing since I started planting them with seeds. I hope it will grow well.

I have beets, zuchini, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe. I am actually experimenting the soil and the location.

So far, it is only the tomatoes that bear fruits. Hmmmm.

Another tomato in a pot.

This is like my nursery area. These are beets and when they are ready to transfer, I will plant them in another area.

These are carrots. I saw three rabbits behind the bushes. I guess I will have problems in the future LOL. I will replant these when its ready to transfer.