I went to
Kissimmee last week and I had so much fun. I always love this place because the weather is so beautiful and there are so many theme parks to visit. We went to Old Town which is one of my favorite places to visit. We take an afternoon walk, checking the display on the boutiques and listen to the performers singing at the entertainment area. What I love about this place is the display of the vintage cars. The evening ended when one of my friends took a ride in one of their heart-pounding rides. It was a visit worth remembering. Are you planning to visit Orlando, Florida? Check out
visitkissimmee.com first and you will be guided to the best vacation destination in Orlando. You can browse according to the things to do like where to shop, where to play golf, where to see the free attractions and so many more. You can also get information on where to stay while you are in Kissimmee. They have at least 76 hotels and motels in their list and 70 Vacation Rentals for your easy access. This company also offer a last minute deals and vacation packages which can give you great savings. Here is the best part, Kissimmee is giving away three weekend getaways for three days/two nights and good for two. How fabulous opportunity, right? They also give away a vacation for four for two weeks. Now, take a chance and join the sweepstakes. Drawings will be held every first of April, May and June of 2009. Good luck!

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