Are you tired of using too many remote controls? When we bought the Wii game, my father-in-law wanted to play the bowling game. We taught him how to operate it but, it's confusing for him to switch from Wii to TV. Sometimes, he would come knocking to our bedroom door and inform us he could not switch on the TV after playing the game. He is 89 years old and that upsets him sometimes. If only he can use one remote control for TV and Wii, right?

Yamaha neoHD is the answer and a savior to this hassle. Visit and see the innovative device that simplifies our entertainment system. We can now use one remote or one on-screen interface and it's all we need for a complete control. No more frustrations on what remote control to use. No need to call your son to set the DVD or Wii game for you. This is what we benefit from technology right? With this neo-HD remote, the basic operation is never complicated and it is a family-friendly gadget. Do you desperately need this new neo-HD? Why? Please visit the Website now and avail the free shipping once you order. You can also get information on neo-HD on their Face book account.