Saturday, August 8, 2009

The "Mob" Post

When I posted about my "Mob Post" with regards to the Administration's Health Care Issue, I was compelled to rant what I observed on the news. I can't debate with other fluent bloggers on the issues of politics simply because it will only deviate into something else. There are certain issues in the world that needs to be addressed into. It kept me wondering where these issues are leading into? I just hope that American People will be reunited again towards the common goal of DEMOCRACY and UNITY. There is no need to have another catastrophe like Katrina or 9-11 to recognized the fact that Americans cared for each other. With the chaotic Political Agenda of each parties, who is at the losing end? The PEOPLE in general-Democrats and Republican alike. So, should I choose to debate? NOPE! I listen and weighed it in. Now, these kind of people who raised QUESTIONS were called THE MOBS. It doesn't fit at all.

1 comment:

  1. hi Amy..coming by to visit u too on this beautiful Sunday... mob post? all kinds of people everywhere.. malaysia is also like that.. or even worse at times.. hahaa..


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