Four years ago, I attended a Teacher Training Program for Elementary Science Teachers held in Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines. It was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology to upgrade the Science knowledge of Public School Teachers. I was one of the lucky teachers who were chosen to attend the training for 90 hours. It was also supported by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports plus what we studied was given credits by Xavier University. We had field trips and the most memorable one for me was our visit to PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANT.

This is the picture of PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANT which has a 1MWp polycrystalline silicon-based PV plant located in Cagayan de Oro City. It was so amazing to see all these solar panels which make our daily activities easy to live. Our class had a deeper understanding about solar energy especially when we had the chance to view the place and its purpose. That training gave us more knowledge about energy and how to make durable energy explained to kids. Knowing some of the simple facts on how to install a solar panel to catch more sunlight is also important. Solar panels should point to the South because it reaches the Earth under an angle. Solar panels gets more light on a tilted roof as what the picture above looks like in position. The production of solar cells costs energy and it keeps on producing. As we went back to our respective classes, we shared about our visit to the power plant. We explain how we got the electricity from the wall sockets. Teaching the students about the solar energy was more interesting after we had the training. If you want to know more about solar enery, just visit the Website provided here.
I crossed linked your article on solar panels here at my Green Philippines blog Thanks for posting.