Showing you just one place that you can check out while you are here. The Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum is located in Schooner Pier Complex too. If you want to buy a remebrance from this place, check out this area.

If you want experience being on the shrimp boat and see how the Vietnamese go fishing and shrimping, you can get information in this place too.

There are private boats/yachts stayed and rented a space in this Pier. If you have a boat and wanted to stay here for so many days, you may inquire in this place.

Well, you can research further by visiting the websites of the hotels and casino in this area. Check out Boomtown Casino Biloxi, Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi, IP hotel, Grand Hotel and Casino, the Isle, Beau Rivage in Biloxi, Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi, Treasure Bay Casino and so on.
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