Friday, April 16, 2010

Saving Water

I am a very sensitive person and I crushed easily whenever I saw malnourished children begging for water. I just can't imagine how terrible it is to live in a country with scarcity of food and water. Have you seen that vivid picture of an African boy crawling to find water and vultures were hovering above him? That was when famine struck Africa.

That situation will likely to happen in our place if we do not conserve water and energy. Each one of us should do our share to save water and by doing such, we save our money too. Eco living, green lifestyle and go for green are just few of the community campaigns which gives us awareness to protect Mother Earth.

By being aware, it would mean our participation that starts from our own home. By telling the members of our family to close the faucet when not in use is an initial step to save water. If you are using Dual Flush Toilets then, you eventually lower your water consumption. Your family can save extra money too. Do these things and you can live a healthy lifestyle with a healthy wallet too.

1 comment:

  1. we got to do something ate amy not just to save the water but also to save mother earth.


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