(Home and Family, Shopping, Garden and Nature, Travel, and Product Reviews). THERE IS NO BUSY SIGNAL IN THE PRAYER LINES OF HEAVEN
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tar Balls Reached Biloxi-Ocean Springs
Fixing Our HVAC
We had to have someone come out to do HVAC services on our home. We were not getting any cool air at all this summer when we started up the air conditioner. It would blow air, but nothing cool at all would come out of the vents. We were able to get Sears Hvac Service out here the next day. We had to sleep one night with just ceiling fans that was kind of miserable. It got really hot, but we were able to make it knowing we only had one day to worry about it. The next day the guy came out and we had to have our unit replaced. It was not terribly expensive and he was able to replace it that day. We were back to being having air conditioning faster than I could have imagined. Luckily he made it out here fast and was able to get it taken care of for us. We had to use some of our savings, but it was worth it to be up and going again. I am glad that we were able to get this done so fast. They did a great job and the new unit works perfect. I am very satisfied with it.
Random Thoughts
Friday, June 25, 2010
More Organized Photographs
I just got a satellite internet WAconnection to manage my photography business online. Online photographic content management begins at home, on my hard drive, in Windows Explorer. Every new image is uploaded to New Images. After I have worked them up in Photoshop, I will sort them according to where they will end up. Images for sale will go to the Stock folder and I will rename them after upload using the name assigned by the online agency, which is usually a series of numbers. Images for friends remain in the New Images folder until I can zap them over via email. After that, I will sort further. Images for friends or acquaintances for whom I have no email address are uploaded online, usually to Facebook. After that, I will sort them further into my folders or delete them. Fortunately, I have wildblue satellite internet service and it does not take long to upload all of these images!
For special occasions, I usually want a physical image in my hand. For those images, I move to my Prints Wanted folder until I can upload to whomever is having the best deal on printed images. I name those images using the number assigned by my camera, preceded with the name of the main subject and an underscore sign. If I should get sloppy, I would soon have a mass of faces without a proper folder.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Horoscope Readings
Here is mine for this month. When I read it just few minutes ago, was amazed that all of these so called events happened. Last June 16, I gave my resignation letter to the casino and I was excited to face another hurdle of my life. I can now have the time to blog the things that inspire me most plus, can catch up those task that I left behind.
Now, I am excited to know what will happen on the 28th and 29th. Let us see....There are times when a big smile -- or bursting into tears -- is the absolute
best way to convey your message. There are other times, like on the 1st and 2nd,
when it's a way better idea to put whatever it is you want to say in cold,
clear, argumentative terms. Sure, you might spur a debate with your
unconventional approach. But it's a debate you can win. An emotional standoff,
however, isn't necessarily going to end up going your way. By the 4th and 5th,
you've soaked up more good energy than a solar roof in June, and you're ready to
share the wealth. You'll light up more than one bulb with all your bright ideas!
You're feeling just an itsy bitsy bit irritable on the 10th and 11th. Why not
just excuse yourself early and get in some much-needed 'you' time? You have a
couple of outrageous ideas on the 14th, 15th and 16th. So why haven't you acted
on them, already? By the oh-so-intense-in-every-way 21st and 22nd, you could be
in for some super-serious changes. Are you rethinking your job? Your
relationships? Your choice of apartment? Your core values? Your favorite foods?
All of the above? Enjoy it! Hard work pays off on the 28th and 29th. So work
Monday, June 21, 2010
Mimic Insect

When we came back, it is still there amidst the 91 degree heat. I do not know if this is a planthopper and still wearing its leaf mimic body. Isn't it adorable?
After so many attemps, the insect just fell on the pavement and moved slowly to the grass where it belongs.

Mimic insects are amazing, don't you think? If they are vulnerable, they mimic their environment such as this insect.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day Special
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Charter. All opinions are 100% mine.
Today is Father's Day and I bet, you just spent a wonderful time with your dad. Did you give him a present? Here is another ideal gift that would surely amazed your father. Give him a gift of digital access and the chance to own an iPod Touch. Enter now to win an iPod Touch, a Charter's way to honor all the fathers on this very special day. When you get a subscription on the best bundle, you will get a gift card worth $300 from Home Depot or from other retailers. Did you know that Charter always give back something big to their clients? For this season, Charter is giving away an 8GB iPod Touch to 100 winners. No purchase is necessary therefore, everybody can join this contest. Charter has a new mobile app which is accessible through iPod, iPhone and Blackberry. Wherever you are, you can get updates, fun extras, and facebook only deals on Charter’s Facebook page. Charter apps will let you access Charter services such as TV and on demand listings and trailers, sports news, weather report and many more. You should get a subscription now.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jellyfish Sting

For stings on or around the eyes, dampen a towel with vinegar and dab around the eyes, but avoid the eyeballs. Salt water may also be used if vinegar is unavailable. Do not use fresh water if the sting occurred in salt water, because a change in tonicity can release additional venom. Avoid rubbing the wound, or using alcohol, spirits, ammonia, or urine which also encourage the release of venom.
Clearing the area of jelly, tentacles, and wetness stops further nematocyst firing. Shaving the affected skin with a knife edge, safety razor, or credit card can remove remaining nematocysts.
Beyond initial first aid, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can control skin irritation (pruritus). To remove the venom in the skin, apply a paste of baking soda and water and a cloth covering on the sting. If possible, reapply paste every 15–20 minutes. Ice can stop the spread of venom until either of these is available. -source:wikipedia
Monday, June 14, 2010
Library and Reading
Friday, June 11, 2010
Symbol of Roses

As for me, I love WHITE roses. According to the color chart of roses, white rose means innocence, purity, secrecy and reverence. So many people loves RED roses which symbolize love, passion, respect and courage.
On YELLOW rose, the meaning is joy, friendship and freedom. So, if your crush gives you a yellow rose, would you be disappointed? CREAM roses mean thoughtfulness, charm and graciousness. While ORANGE roses would mean admiration, fascination, enthusiasm and desire. If you want to give roses to somebody, be careful because they might know the meaning and they might mis-interpret it.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wings by Giorgio Beverly Hills

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
First Amiable Amy Contest: VS Tote Giveaway

Other prizes will be posted as the day progress. Victoria Secret Gift Sets are probable items to be given away. On the 10Th of this month though, my domain will expire and I am still in the dilemma of renewing my domain or back to my original site which is http://www.amy200686.blogspot.com/ . What can you suggest?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Cold Blooded Joran Van der Sloot
I pray that the cold case about Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba will soon have justice. I bet you saw the face of Joran Van der Sloot on the news over and over again. Have you seen remorse? Have you seen guilt? NOTHING! I bet he is the most hated man on Earth at present time. Why I say that? On the latest case, Joran Van der Sloot can never say somebody helped him in murdering Stephany Flores Ramirez. He had claimed that someone offered help in disposing Natalee's body. In this case, not anymore! He is in a foreign land, Aruba can not protect him! Joran killed Stephany! Joran and Stepahy were seen together on the casino floor, seen together going in his room and he checked out in few hours leaving the dead body inside. Cold Blooded murderer! This man is sick and should be put into jail. I am sorry to say this but I guess, the notorious prisoners will eat him alive in the jail in Peru. Joran Van der Sloot is a sick man and prison cell is his only refuge!
I joined Gather, just so I could comment on this vile subject. My heart, thoughts, sympathy and prayers for Stephany's family and friends. What a terrible and senseless tragedy. The blood from the slaughter of this young woman is not only on the hands of Joran Van der Sloot, but also on the hands of Aruba. If the officials in Aruba had done their job when Natalee disappeared, instead of protecting the vermin, Stephany's murder would have never taken place. I live in Alabama, so Natalee's death really hit home and Stephany was killed exactly 5 years, to the day, after Natalee was killed. How many times does the demon (Van der Sloot) have to confess that he is guilty of Natalee's murder, before he is arrested? He says, "I did it!", and the officals in Aruba, just turn a deaf ear. And now we learn he has been attempting to extort money from Natalee's family, saying if they paid him, he would tell them the whereabouts of her body and how she died. Can he get any guiltier? Hopefully the Peruvian officals will take this case very seriously, something that was obviously never done in Aruba, and give this Son of Satan what he deserves and has coming to him.
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Coastal Crisis

Just the other week, fresh oysters was already $10.00/dozen, twice from the original price they served. Restaurants felt the scarcity of seafood products and they were given a limited purchase. This crisis is Ecological and Environmental in nature and it would take years and years before it can return to its normal balance. How many lives will be affected by then?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Niche Research
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NowRelevant. All opinions are 100% mine.
I was just blown away upon seeing the video in theinternettimemachine.com where he point out the objective of their search engine called NowRelevant. True to its name, NowRelevant can provide us the latest and most up to date relevant information we need. I tried to research "oil spill" and it gives me 9,514,674 results which are relevant for the last 2 weeks. How amazing is that? When we use the old search engine, it gives us links to unnecessary Websites. It is also time consuming because you need to open the Website if the information you need is relevant. I love the concept of the genius creators of NowRelevant.
Niche Research is crucial for Internet Marketing because without knowing the demands on how to accelerate publicly available data, it is hopeless. Internet Marketers should know how to identify profitable niches too. People are constantly looking for something and the internet is an easy access to search from. The demands of searching certain products or services are constantly high but, usually the supply is not enough. Eventhough Internet Marketers have that certain services, there is a broken link along the line. Therefore, niche marketing will fill in the gap and that is the reason why it is very important for Internet Marketing. The Internet Time Machine project helps us in so many ways such as getting an idea on what products to create to meet the demands of consumers who are searching on the Web.
For more information, check out the links provided here. Do not forget to visit the Website and check on the Internet Marketing Contest. They will give $10,000 cash prize to the Winner and a $10,000 cash prize to the affiliate that refers the Winner! Hurry!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Scary Tornado Formation

I promised my husband that I will buy him a lunch and have a picnic by the beach. We are almost done when suddenly all the motorists were taking a picture and a video on the back side. Our car was parked facing the bridge and the view of the beach so, there is no way that we can see what's behind us. I told my husband that these people are taking videos of the Pelicans flying above us. But, it took them sometime! So, I told my hubby to look out and see what they are trying to capture. My husband's voice turns into panic and says, it's a tornado formation! We were amazed how the cloud went down so fast and before I can grab a picture from my BB and HD2, it dissipated! That is the picture that I can capture! Thankful that it never goes down! If it does, my dream would be a premonition.