Acne is a complicated and frustrating condition. It has no cure, but with proper management,
acne treatment can be quite effective in keeping your skin clear and free of breakouts. In the past, continuous scrubbing was the only way to ensure acne removal, but technology is moving forward with exciting new developments in the treatment of acne.
How to Treat Acne
Many people follow a regimen of washing twice daily with a cleanser, following with a toner, a medicated lotion and a moisturizer. Some or the medicated treatments available over the counter include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. These can work great, but they’re not appropriate for everyone. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are highly effective acne treatment medications, but they can also wreak havoc with sensitive skin and lead to dryness and unattractive flaking -- almost as unsightly as the acne!
Light therapy as a treatment for acne is recommended by many dermatologists as a safe and effective natural treatment, without all the extra side effects. Blue LED light kills the bacteria responsible for acne, P. acnes, allowing the pimple to heal. Using light therapy on a daily basis not only treats existing pimples, but can also help prevent the occurrence of any future breakouts.
Light therapy is easy to use. Simply cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser, applying nothing further than a pre-treatment gel. Treat your face with the device and follow with your usual moisturizing, sunscreen and make-up routine.
Which Acne Treatment is Right for You?
Light therapy, like the kind provided by Tanda Acne Solutions, is great for dealing with mild to moderate cases of acne. This type of acne is characterized by red and inflamed pimples or pustules, with up to 100 whiteheads or 125 total pimples, not all of which are inflamed.
If your acne is more severe, or you have nodular or cystic acne, you will do best to see a dermatologist. Nodular and cystic acne means that you have solid masses under the skin, which can be felt, and which can sometimes raise the skin up. These can be quite painful, and when they erupt they can leave pits and scarring. A dermatologist can prescribe antibiotics and medicated creams and ointments to help treat this kind of severe acne.
To learn more about acne light therapy visit
http://tandaskincare.com/ .