Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pexagon Technology


  1. Hi,

    I was "googling" for a Filipino Store here in Gulfport, MS and stumble upon your blog; my question is do they still in business and are they trustworthy? Im thinking of sending a balikbayan box to my family in the PI.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    The particular store that I mentioned in that post is still in business but,though i have the box for $10, I did not send it. I heard a negative feedback. Across the street at that time, there is another Filipino store that I use to send my box to PI:Here is the link: had no problems for almost two years. Anyway,call that number and ask them where they are located because they moved to another location. Yes, I trust them. It is $120/box


I love to read your comments. Thank you so much and I will visit back.