There are law firms that protect their clients who are accused of a crime. If lawyers are that good, their clients can go away with the jail time. It all depends upon the evidence presented and how the lawyer defended the accused.
(Home and Family, Shopping, Garden and Nature, Travel, and Product Reviews). THERE IS NO BUSY SIGNAL IN THE PRAYER LINES OF HEAVEN
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Finding a Good Lawyer
There are law firms that protect their clients who are accused of a crime. If lawyers are that good, their clients can go away with the jail time. It all depends upon the evidence presented and how the lawyer defended the accused.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Whitney Farms Organic Plant Food
This post brought to you by Whitney Farms. All opinions are 100% mine.
We lived in Mississippi for 2 years and we had a huge yard for gardening. Every morning my husband checked his vegetable garden with squash, zucchini, tomatoes and okra on it. We all enjoyed doing the yard work every other day. My late father-in-law and I always love taking care of the flower beds with blooms of roses, mums and tulips. He actually used Whitney Farms® product which is an organic plant food. The roses bloom beautifully with big flowers. The organic soil makes the plants grow healthy. Gardening always brings back happy memories when my husband and I lived with my father-in-law.
When we moved to our condo, space is limited but, it never hinders us to gardening so; we planted the vegetables and flowers in pots. The picture above is the tomato plants of my husband. He is so proud of his labor. He already harvested 4 good size tomatoes and he ate it with his veggie burger.
Have you tried Whitney Farms in your garden yet? You should visit the Website above to get a $3 coupon and get a discount when you purchase a bag of Whitney Farms. This is a plant food which contains beneficial microbes and proteins which truly help the plants grow healthy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Samsung Stainless Steel Side by Side Refrigerator
A Birthday Party in the Garden
Having someone who is expert in the decoration would really help her a lot. She wanted to make this year a memorable birthday celebration as a way of thanksgiving for a new life. She had an accident few months ago and was lucky to be alive and walk away with minor injuries. Every day is a bonus and she wanted to let everyone know that she's grateful for making each day of her life wonderful. Anyway, I hope she was able to find the people she needed to help her plan her party and that the florist can conceptualize my friend's idea. After all, she deserves to be happy on her birthday.
Magic Kingdom's Liberty Square Riverboat
You will definitely enjoy cruising on the Rivers of America. This is an authentic 3-tiered paddle wheel steamship. The best place to sit is on the third so you can see in 180 degrees view. You will love the scenic view by the river. It is only a half-mile tour of Frontierland, Liberty Square and Tom Sawyer Island.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Birth Announcements
My husband and I were thrilled to know that our niece delivered the baby safely and that the baby is in good health. That's what matters most right? Having a healthy infant in the family is a great blessing already. Anyway, we will be out shopping for gift ideas tomorrow. We really do not have a clue what to buy for Landon, that is his name. Once we will be in the store, we can definitely find something for the cute little infant.
What do you think is the best gift for a new born infant? We heard that it's nice to give something which the baby can use daily. A sweet slumber sound machine perhaps which is good for lullaby? We can pick up a musical mobile to help the baby sleep so soundly too. Or, a health care and infant grooming kit which the new mom can have an easy access for all the essential grooming products for the baby. A digital thermometer, nail clippers and nasal aspirator are important things to have for baby care.
The Birth Announcement card that we received brought so much joy and smile on our face. The baby is very cute in fact; he's smiling and playing with his covered hands. I can't wait to see him and hold him when we visit in few weeks. He weighs almost 8 lbs and he is a big beautiful baby.
Bamboo Tikki Bar
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Carhartt Dungaree
Friday, April 20, 2012
On Taking Advantage
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Flex Belt
We all have something that we don't like with our body. I bet you are too that is why we work out to have that desired figure. Eating right can lead to a healthy lifestyle. It's true with men too because they love to flaunt their nice abs. It makes them "macho" and manly that is why they love to join fitness activities and exercise regularly.
Listen you guys, have you heard about Flex Belt ab belt? I saw this ab belt advertised on TV plus, one of my friends in the gym used it. It works for him and I saw the result. If you work out your goal, you will surely achieve what you desire. Constant exercise will go a long way and of course, eat nutritious food makes you healthy and sexy.
My friend told me that using the flex belt builds his abs muscle and lose the fat. He used it even when he is watching the TV or does other simple chores. You should use it and try it out. You will definitely like to use it regularly. It is very handy and no hassle to use. For more information, check out the reviews on the link above.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Little Nook
Monday, April 16, 2012
Planet Hollywood at Downtown Disney
The Final Flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery
Last Day of Tax Filing for 2011
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Spring Break at Cocoa Beach

Friday, April 13, 2012
Friends of Pfister: Rebuilding Together Makes a Difference
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pfister for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
If you are a family man, saving money is a priority or else you will starve your family and you don't want that to happen for sure. The cost of living is too high and I know some families lost their house into foreclosure. We don't want that either. Living in this economy, saving is a good strategy to survive.
Visit Friends of Pfister campaign site today and sign up for Pfister's newsletter. You will get a free Home Safety and Energy Saving guide which will help you save up to $500/ year on energy costs. Each one of us should do our part to make a difference. Find out how you can do your share by visiting the Website and take the time to download the guide.
Anyway, I am always interested to volunteer a cause which Rebuilding Together has put up. This is a non-profit organization which aims to provide home repairs and more to families in need. We should take care of our neighbors too to make our community an ideal place to live. As the saying goes, "No man is an island" so; we should support a cause brought by Rebuilding Together as well as Pfister.
For almost a century, this company excels in the plumbing industry with variety of innovations and the first to market plumbing fixtures that helps define what Pfister Company is. With that being said, this company always strives to make efficient, environmentally friendly and better products for everyone. For more information, check out the links above and do not forget to sign up the newsletter of Pfister.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Divine Mercy Catholic Church

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Let's Go Swimming

Our new house has no pool but, it's alright. We would love to have one but, maybe in the near future, we can build a pool in our backyard. The picture above was taken here in Orlando. Our friend uses the pool once in a blue moon. I love swimming in the evening though. But for now, we are happy with our house even without the pool.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Spartan Race is a Fun Activity for Everyone
This post brought to you by Spartan Race. All opinions are 100% mine.
Are you tired of having the same daily workout that has a dragging fitness result? You need to have a fitness resolution and there is a reason for you to get excited today. Make a plan and check out the Spartan Race Obstacle Racing Challenge. This is a fun activity not only for you who are looking for some extreme fitness challenge but, for your family and beginners as well. Please check out this link for frequently asked questions and answers:
This obstacle racing challenge is different because all the activities are like no other. Spartan Race challenged the participants in Spartan Sprint and Super Spartan Challenge where events took place in selected locations in the US, Canada and United Kingdom. If you want a tougher workout, join the Spartan Race. Invite your friends and bring your family too. Sign up now then, show up on the event that you selected and have fun in engaging the different styles of Spartan Racing. They have 3+ up to 40+ mile events with entertaining obstacles that I am sure you and your family will love and enjoy. Put your strength to the test and let your children sign up for the kids race as well as your wife on the women's network. Visit the Spartan Race Website today.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Property in Cocoa

This house has a lot of charm since it was built in 1965. There is a need of some TLC, just cosmetic ( paint, sanding, landscaping ) and nothing major. But, we already contacted painters and decorators, my friend can do the latter though. We bought new appliances already. Boy, it was so good to shop for a stainless steel appliances.
We have no job as back up for loans so; we bought this property on a cash basis. After this major project, I am ready to go back to work. Bank is drained for good you know.
We love the neighborhood here and did you know that Kennedy Space Center is just across the river? I wish NASA could go back to it's lively business so; I could see up close during rocket lift off. Fort Canaveral, the cruise ships terminal is just 20 minutes away. As a matter of fact, we went there today and had lunch at Rusty's Seafood Restaurant. Love that area.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Spring Blooms

I love to have a flower garden and a vegetable garden as well. We have plenty of rooms to create a garden and landscape the yard.

I can't wait to take out my garden tools back. It is spring time, a good season to make the yard have some trimming.

I will definitely create some flower beds at the front yard and would create one area at the backyard for my vegetable garden.

On our new home, there was 2 bougainvilleas thriving on the side area of the garage but, not as big as this one.

The tulips, it was already in bloom when my father-in-law bought it at Walmart. It died by winter time but, on the next year surprisingly, it thrive and tulips bloom.