When we were living in Mississippi, summer time is beach hopping and short road trips to Grand Bay, Alabama to buy fruits especially water melons.
This is $5 to $10 each and when it's really in season, we buy this only for a $1.
I really do not know which is sweeter but, we just bought 2 varieties of watermelons.
The place where we bought these fruits is located along the busy street in this area. There were few drivers stopped by and check on their produce.
We were able to buy worth $9 for two big water melons and three cantaloupe. That is a good deal right?
When we sliced the water melon, we were amazed to see a Yellow variety which they call Yellow Crimson Watermelon.
This cantaloupe is 3 for $5 and my sister in law bought 3 and a basket of peaches which was $12.
What is summer without these thirst-quenching fruits right?
According to Wikipedia, there are more than 1200 varieties of watermelon with flesh that are red, white, yellow and orange. I have no idea that there are yellow flesh. I thought all watermelons are red *wink*. Now, white and orange? Hmmm...got to find them.

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