Are you looking for Halloween Costume ideas? I dig some photos in my folder and found these amazing costumes. Which do you think is best for you this year? These beautiful ladies did pass by the house for trick or treat. They were so pretty.
The couple below is amazing. Did you know that this was their wedding day? Yep! They were married during Halloween Party. After all these years, they're still happy together. Amazing huh? They throw out a surprise wedding and all these beautiful people were their guests. I took all these photos and they were happy to pose:-)
Do you like this charming costume? Oh she is so pretty.
This guy has an easy costume but he looks good. I forgot the costume of the girl though.
Oh Looks like Captain Hook is friendly here hehehe.
She managed to stay poise with her costume. Gorgeous!
Young Mr Flintstone hehehe... he just lose weight eh:-)
These kids did pass by the house for trick or treat. I ask their parents if I can take their pictures and they said yes.
Pretty vampire. She was smiling at me. Cool outfit if you want to scare people at night. She was not scary.
They were shy hahaha and busy taking candies so; they were not looking at my camera. I know I took their photos again.
The little she-devil and a vampire.
They have interesting halloween costumes, don't you think? I will be posting another batch anytime this week so; check out my blog again. Thanks for stopping by.

Hi maam Amy remember me? well, I finally managed to be online 24/7 too. Hope ur doin well, I follow ur blog too and ur FB acct...=) Hop we hav tym to hav a lil chit chat too..=) tc and GOD bless u and ur hubby. Im quiet bz too for the halloween parties of my one and only baby and the lola too she's gettin bz for her costume lol...