If you visit the Sunshine State, exploring the places are endless. One city has so much to offer. From sugar sandy beaches, spectacular display of sunset and sunrise, perfect animal habitat, and so many wonderful scenic spot awaits for those who wanted to explore Florida. Of course, Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Kennedy Space Center, Key West, and South Beach are among the major tourist destinations. If you are into nature trip and wanted to enjoy the beach in winter time, try driving down the scenic route in US 1.

We live in Brevard County and I tell you, there is so much to see here. For this day, we tried to have a short drive down the river banks of Indian River. We were on that bridge along 1-A / 528 (see above photo) countless times and we decided to explore the area along the riverside.

These are private docks owned by the property owners along the side of the road. Houses here are humongous and the property value is topnotch. Some of the homeowners are friendly; waving at us as we passed by. We saw group of men on their bicycles in complete gear and accessories; couples doing dog walking; and most of all, the neighborhood is peaceful. Houses are built in different style and their front yard are well-manicured.

I imagine myself having to wake up in the morning and with the view as gorgeous as this; life must be worth living for. Oh, did I tell you that this view is perfect on a clear day but, when hurricane season comes, I doubt (wink)!

Next time, I will show you the pictures of the enormous houses and I am sure you will be amazed as I am. FYI, this area is nearby the Kennedy Space Center (NASA) maybe about 20 minutes' drive and Cocoa Beach as well as Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal is about the same distance.

Traffic is heaven here meaning, no bumper to bumper and most of the year, the weather is super gorgeous. I love living in Brevard! Come by this area and see these places yourselves. See you next time and thanks for stopping by Mwahh!
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