We went to meet a client today who needs a Power of Attorney with a Durable Clause. The husband is a Mobile Notary so; his clients are all over Brevard and Orange Counties. The client made mention that she needs it because her parents will be going back to the Philippines for a vacation.

She needed a Durable Power of Attorney because if it is only the Power of Attorney document, it will become ineffective if the principal dies or becomes "incapacitated". With the Durable Power of Attorney, the authority of the attorney-in-fact to act and make decisions on behalf of the principal will continue until the principal's death.
Anyway, I was with the husband when he met the clients. Oh my goodness, I had full two hours talking with the father (American veteran) who is 88 years old and the mother (Filipino) in her late 70's. What we talked about started with his first glance of the woman which he married for 53 years. I was like put into a trance listening to a love story.
Wow, what a strong marriage they have! I will be struck too listening to their love story if I was there! :)