I love road trips. I do not know how many times I said that in my blog but, that's the truth. I love going to places and road trips are the best way to do it. Last week, one family member who visited us from Spain went back and we tried to catch her flight in Mobile , Alabama.
As to why? It's a long story that you won't be interested to hear. It was a whirlwind situation in fact, her flight was at 11:00 AM and we arrived at the airport at 10:35AM. I know right? Well, the luck is on her side! The plane was delayed and the ticketing agent was able to booked her on the same flight. She's on a body pass and guess what? She was able to get in and when she arrived Atlanta, Georgia she got the first class seat too and that's all the way to Spain. Whewww!

Hubby and I went back home and after few minutes of driving, we stopped at the rest area. This is the Welcome Center in Mississippi along Hwy 110. I like this place because they offer free refreshments. At that time, I didn't get any. I just went at the front and took some photos of the tree sculpture.

You see, a lot of trees along the gulf coast were uprooted and damaged during Hurricane Katrina and some were still standing tall minus the leaves of course. There were so many oak trees dead. Some artist came to the gulf coast and devoted their skills , time and money to preserve the historic trees. This tree is one of them and you can see it when you visit the Welcome Center in Mississippi.
If you want to see more of the tree sculptures, visit the Beach Boulevard along the Gulf coast of Mississippi and you will surely find the sight of them.
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